[Ubuntu-be] Hello

Serge van Ginderachter serge at vanginderachter.be
Sat Dec 16 18:42:16 GMT 2006

Hello Bruno,

On Sat, 2006-12-16 at 19:21 +0100, Bruno De Bondt wrote:
> I'm Bruno De Bondt, webdeveloper / co-server-admin at www.indymedia.be.
> At the Indymedia.be office, we run Ubuntu; on our servers, it's Debian
> GNU/Linux.

I'm really pleased to read about a company who effectively runs on Linux
systems, and especially Ubuntu on desktop.

One of the things I always miss, are major - or better - detailed
testimonials about such cases.

I think, if you want to contribute, it would be a very good idea to
write up a detailed article to describe your situation.

What does the Ubuntu-be community think about this? Maybe hosting a
platform to publicize such testimonials would be a good idea?


Serge van Ginderachter

Thou shalt not conf before thy morning coffee.

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