[Ubuntu-be] Hello

Bruno De Bondt bruno at indymedia.be
Sat Dec 16 18:21:36 GMT 2006


I'm Bruno De Bondt, webdeveloper / co-server-admin at www.indymedia.be.
At the Indymedia.be office, we run Ubuntu; on our servers, it's Debian

After some years of fiddling with Linux here and there, I would really
like to dive into this system. I already learnt some things by helping
with server-admin, but I would like to learn more. I'm sure learning
Linux is more fun in group, so I subscribed to this list.

I still have to check how many Dapper cd's we still have left at the
office. As soon as I did that, I'll sign up Indymedia.be as a 'steunpunt'.

See you soon,
-- bruno

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