[Ubuntu-be] Why burn Ubuntu Dapper-CD's when Edgy is stable enough?
Annelies Bollen
kleinewereld at gmail.com
Wed Dec 13 20:54:14 GMT 2006
Not all users want the fact that they need to upgrade every six months.
Remember that most of the users are used to Windows, where you don't
have to upgrade every 6 months (they would probably make you pay for
that to).
As you said yourself during an upgrade a lot of things could go wrong
and why bother people with that at all? They can use Dapper for the
duration of 3 years without having to bother with anything...
And Dapper ís the LTS. To my recollection there is no other version of
Dapper out there.
And at the computerfair at Mechelen we had both cd's of Edgy and Dapper.
So I don't really see the problem.
(this email is well intentioned and may come of strong due to lack of
sleep and a whole day of programming, sorry)
Peter Stuart wrote:
> I notice that the CD's you are bringing to computer fairs
> are still the Dapper-versions. or are these the Dapper-LTS-versions?
> It seems to me Edgy is mature enough to put on the free CD's.
> There were some problems in the Dapper-to-Edgy upgrade,
> which we should not confront new users (who will visit the
> Ubuntu-site and notice that a new version is available)
> with if they want to upgrade, I guess.
> But I might be wrong:-)
> I'm testing the next version (Feinty) at the moment, but it's
> too buggy now to bother new users with;-)
> peter
> --
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