[Ubuntu-BD] আপনি কি মনে করেন? লিনাক্স কি আসলেই উন্ডোজের সমান সমান না?
mailbox at masnun.me
Sun Jun 5 11:04:39 UTC 2011
Thanks for the post. And the explanation.
I also understood the confusion but it was a bit late. I have made another
post and shared it online. What I really wanted is to show that you can be
mocked the same way you mock someone else.
I am sorry for what I've done.
2011/6/5 Nasimul Haque <nasim.haque at gmail.com>
> Masnun, I completely understand why you wrote this post. In my
> opinion, it was also a necessary thing to do. I actually liked it,
> honestly. But people have misunderstood the post from both sides,
> windows and linux fans. You are also making this a bit confusing with
> some of your latest comments here and in projanmo.
> Anyway, I am going to provide my view on why this post was required. I
> am a complete non-windows user, I haven't used windows since 2005. My
> first bought desktop was an G5 iMac, where you cannot install windows.
> Before that the machines I used were running RedHat or Debian or
> Ubuntu dual booted with windows. I am writing this from a macbook
> which dual boots Ubuntu with OS X. I put this history just to make it
> clear in which fence I live.
> There is always a tendency among fans to become a fanatic. This is
> very wrong. Fanaticism is very bad for a thing to grow. Linux always
> had this problem from the beginning. Only a very few handful of people
> used it and they wanted to keep it to themselves. They believed that
> it makes them an elite group in the society. Therefore newbies were
> mocked to death.
> Ubuntu was born to change this fact. This is why it has the slogan
> "Linux for Human". And to become a human-friendly entity requires a
> lot of sacrifices and patience. If you take a look at ubuntuforums.org
> you'll see how the same questions were answered over and over again
> without any mocking a newbie. This is what makes Ubuntu a unique Linux
> distribution. This is why Linux is becoming popular.
> At the moment, there is a possibility of getting this fanatic illness
> inside the ubuntu community. I have heard a lot of stories about
> people losing their data just because a linux fanatic told them to
> wipe out windows. This is very very bad. No one should be approached
> like that. People get completely wrong impressions about Linux
> community when such things happen.
> So, we need to be careful about such incidents. We should never allow
> fanaticism in the community.
> There is a wrong impression about Macs here too. Macs are not superior
> anymore. It gives you an all-round performance just because it has
> strict hardware-software integration. You can never use any kind of
> hardware that are not specifically made for Mac. Therefore once you
> are a Mac user, you have a very restricted options to use technology.
> And that is controlled by a very evil company on earth called Apple.
> The point is when you want to use something, you better comply with
> it. Not every single hardware is windows compatible. Not even Macs. To
> install windows on a Mac you need Apple's help. In fact, to install
> Ubuntu on a Mac you don't need Apple's help. Ubuntu runs pretty well
> on Macs.
> Technically unices are much better than windows. This is a universal
> truth. However, this is a geeky fact. It does not help end users. End
> users do not want superior things. They want a thing to work. They
> want cheaper hardware. They do not care about software. Actually, most
> of the end users do not know that software requires a lot of money to
> buy. They just expect it to be there. Hence the cheap manufacturers do
> not worry about writing drivers for other systems than windows. These
> cheap hardwares only get linux support only when an open source
> enthusiast is notified about the issue.
> Although the post was funny and required, it did hurt the open-source
> movement a little. I hope people will not be returning back to
> proprietary software for such writings.
> --
> M. Nasimul Haque
> Senior Developer
> Appliansys
> Coventry, UK
> http://www.nasim.me.uk
> --
> Ubuntu Bangladesh
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bd
***Abu Ashraf Masnun | Web Application Engineer | http://masnun.com**
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