[Ubuntu-BD] Potential Analysis: Custom Offline Repo

shiplu shiplu.net at gmail.com
Wed Jul 28 20:08:53 BST 2010

On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 12:49 AM, Shabab Mustafa <shabab at linux.org.bd> wrote:
> 2nd point is about labs and small offices. Suppose a school has 10 computers
> in their lab. So, if they want to install any software in their computer,
> they need to download and install same packages 10 times. And I hope you are
> not going to tell me that, schools are going to buy 10 modems for 10
> computers. Downloading same things 10 times are time consuming too. And it's
> the picture of only one school. Here I am seeing resources (bandwidth) and
> time are going to be wasted in a much more less productive way than thinking
> and making offline repo

This can be resolved very easily by creating a local mirror of ubuntu repo.
The mirror will be in a pc in the school and every other pc will be
attached to it via LAN.
In that case client pcs need to change their repo server address in
/etc/apt/sources.list to ip address of their local mirror.

After creating a local mirror the hard disk image can be distributed.
This can be technically explained later.

So the distribution package will contain 2 CDs and 1 HDD.
1. Client PCs will get 1 Ubuntu CD
2. Mirror Server PC will get 1 Ubuntu CD and a HDD for Mirror.

Distributing over HDD is a good idea to me. Cause DVD tends to get
corrupted even faster than CD.  And a school or any other institute
can effort an HDD. If it was a personal, its really a bad idea. But
for institutional point of view, its okay. (Sun Microsystem
Distributes Data Center in a container! I am just talking about HDDs)

Shiplu Mokadd.im
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