[Ubuntu-BD] Message of Bug, Remove it.

Pronabananda Paul paul.pronabananda at gmail.com
Mon Dec 7 13:31:55 GMT 2009

Hi, Yesterday I was not able to continue with meeting for the electricity
problem. Bus I had something to share.
According to myself,
1. We haven't reached at the  perfect time for TV program:
 If we ask to ourself, how much time we expand to see TV programs of
Bangladesh.The answer is not good at all. Rather than we will like to see
video from Youtube. So, if we make 10 minutes clips of 6 in number(even
through our mobile camera) and post it to youtube, that will be more
fruitfull than the TV program.

2. We should organise* short presentation* of about 2 hours at various
educational institutes (Secondary School, College, Universities), and after
the presentation We need to give them prizes on the quiz of our topic. that
will be very attractive to them. Various organisations who use computer
randomly, can be our target.

3. We can launch some *T shirts, College Bags*, which can be a good
advertise item.

4. We can organise* street meeting at educational corner*( near T.S.C, Near
NovoTheatre, etc) any other vacant places where our target group reside.

5. we need to *more active at Internet*. It can be spamming (Though it is
not a good act, we will do that for a good work)

6. We can use  *Ubuntu site address*  with various tags at the end of our
email. Its really a good practise.
            It can be as: *I use Ubuntu <http://www.ubuntu.com>to be honest*

 The cost of the above programs are not beyond our thought. If I propose ill
concept, then kindly suggest me. He is the friend of mine who criticise me.

Pronabananda Paul
*A User of Ubuntu <http://www.ubuntu.com>*
Student, M.S in CSE
North South University.

Contact Details:
Cell Phone no.:+88-01732444471

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