[ Ubuntu-BD ] গুগলের উন্মুক্তসোর্স ব্রাউজার- ক্রোম

Raihan Hasnain Rahman raihanhasnain at gmail.com
Sat Sep 6 03:45:20 BST 2008

On Sep 6, 2008, at 3:02 AM, Shahriar Tariq wrote:
> এক গ্রুপের উচিত নয় আরেক  
> গ্রুপকে জোড় করার। আশা করি  
> বুঝবেন
> -তারিক

Then we should stop pushing windows users to start using Linux or  
anything else.

By the way, yesterday, an old friend of mine declared that "you lost a  
friend" after I refused to install Windows in his computer. I  
suggested him that I can install Ubuntu for you but no pirated Windows. 

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