[Ubuntu-BD] [Fedora-Bangladesh] how about BLUA EID gathering??

Shahriar Tariq shahriar at linux.org.bd
Sat Dec 6 18:02:50 GMT 2008

so lets do head counting??

1) Shabab Bhai
2) Lenin Bhai
3) Charles Bhai
4) Darklord (Faisal) Bhai
5) Nasir Bhai

Yet to confirm (but expecting) lists
6) Russell Bhai
7) Angel
8) Bazlu Bhai
9) Raihan Bhai
10) Hasin Bhai
11) Manchu Bhai
12) Omi Bhai
13) Shiplu Bhai
14) Ador Bhai
 and finally me

 (so 15? :D)

 anyone interested please notify now.. so it can be arranged accordingly :)

Thanking you

Volunteer, Bangladesh Linux Users Alliance http://linux.org.bd

Marketing & Contents Officer, Ubuntu Bangladesh http://www.ubuntu-bd.org

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