[ Ubuntu-BD ] বাংলায় digest

Nasimul Haque nasim.haque at gmail.com
Thu Apr 19 18:58:38 BST 2007

ধন্যবাদ, রাসেল ভাই।

Yes, it's ok as it is a low volume list. But try to resolve the
problem. I hope it will become a high volume list in the very
near-future and then I must need digest mode.


On 4/19/07, Russell John <russell at linux.org.bd> wrote:
> I'm sorry I could find a solution to this problem.  For now, I've
> turned off the digest mode option.  All the users in digest mode has
> been switched to non-digest mode.  Hope this wouldn't be much of a
> problem since this is a pretty low volume list.  But still if this
> bothers you, then please reply to this thread.
> Thanks,
> Russell
> বাংলায় লিখতে ও পরতে আসলেই ভাল লাগে!

M. Nasimul Haque, M.Sc.(SUST)
PhD student
Wessex Institute of Technology
Southampton, UK

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