Package libhid-dev

Geoffrey Combes gcombes4 at
Wed Nov 26 04:30:45 UTC 2014

I wish to have a tool for communicating with Microchips USB 
HID-Bootloader for the purpose of installing new firmware. One such tool 
is 'mphidflash' which supports Linux as well as Mac OSs and MS Windows.
For Linux I am advised that I need the 'libhid-dev' package. It is not 
in 14.04 LTS that I am using, although a search on the Internet states 
that it was in Lucid 10.04. There are other such tools, one of which I 
have for Windows. However I would like one for Linux. Does 14.10 have 
something else that will do the job?
Any advice would be appreciated.
Geoffrey Combes

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