Evince not opening PDF

Peter Schwenke peter at bluetoad.com.au
Wed Jul 18 12:43:33 UTC 2012

On 18/07/12 22:01, Rob Dawson wrote:> I can't say why its hanging but I 
tried it on my 12.04 (64bit) machine
 > and it took a fair while to open in Evince - >60 seconds.  It opened
 > instantly in Firefox (using the Adobe plugin) and also instantly in
 > Acrobat Reader.  I always install AR on my new installs and make it the
 > default for pdfs just to get all it's 'bells and whistles' but as a
 > troubleshooting exercise you might want to install AR and try opening it
 > with that so you can eliminate either of the document or the application
 > as the cause?

I think some of the tools for creating PDFs must create stuff outside of 
the "standard".  I recently had one that wouldn't print at 2 to a page 
recently.  I hadn't had one of those for a while so I suspect the last 
one was from the same source.

In the past I have used kpdf is an alternative when I've had issues.

I haven't installed any of the Adobe readers since I had one which 
installed too many "bells and whistles" and had become invasive.


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