IRC Meeting Bot

Jared Norris jrnorris at
Tue Sep 6 23:36:03 UTC 2011

This is just a quick note to let you all know that we've had to swap
Mootbot for meetingology as the meeting bot for the Ubuntu-AU channel.
The reason was that Mootbot is currently experiencing some
difficulties and the maintainer has, in their own words, not been able
to find the time to fix it in the near future. For those of you
interested in what this means there is more detail of what
meetingology is here [0] and there is a blog post from the author here
[1] to explain what it is and why it's different, etc. Please feel
free to look into the differences at your leisure and feel free to ask
any questions.



Jared Norris JP(Qual) BBehSc(Psych)

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