Ubuntu-AU Planet Update

Michael Chesterton chesty at chesterton.id.au
Thu Mar 17 20:46:25 UTC 2011

On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 6:33 AM, Stephen Rees-Carter <
stephen at rees-carter.net> wrote:

> HI Jared,
> I know some planets have restrictions where all posts need to be
> related to the planet topic (i.e. Ubuntu in this case), or there are
> some things you can't talk about on them.
> Do we have any sort of restrictions on ours?
> If this question has been done to death, sorry about that.. although
> for newer members (like myself) it's worth knowing the answer.

In the past it has been said as long as some of your posts are ubuntu
related, then personal posts are ok.

The way I do it is I have a different category for every planet I'm on, and
send the planet maintainers the url to their specific category feed, that
way I can chose where to send my posts. But I post so infrequently, maybe
once a month, and I'm on quiet planets that I send every post to all the
planets anyway. Ubuntu-au is the quietest planet I'm on.

Personally, seeing that ubuntu-au atm is so low volume, if I posted
everyday, I would only post to the ubuntu specific posts to the planet,
otherwise I would be embarrassed by dominating the planet with all my posts.

They are the rules I play by.
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