If you are using iinet as your ISP....

Basil Chupin blchupin at iinet.net.au
Fri Jan 7 09:01:21 UTC 2011

...and are using VoIP service and have tried to call in the past month 
or so a 13XXXXXX phone number, check your Invoice from iinet for your 
VoIP account to see if they are charging you 20c for calls to 13XXXXX 
numbers which never ever got connected (ie, all you got was an engaged 

I just looked at my bill and found that I am being charged for 32 calls 
to iinet's Support number (132258) on 26 December but which made no 
connections - because the 13XXXXX numbers have been stuffed since 
something like 16 December, and are still stuffed. (Look at Network 
Status.) I eventually had to use Telstra to make that call to Support 
and got connected in seconds at the first attempt - but iinet support 
staff had no frigging idea that there was a problem with their VoIP 
13XXX service!

Anyway, check your VoIP account from iinet to make sure that you are not 
being scammed for 13XXXX calls which you did really make.


"Opinions are like assholes - everyone has one."
            Inspector "Dirty Harry" Callahan

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