Tech Support (Anthony Edmistone)

George Patterson george.patterson at
Mon Sep 20 10:53:01 BST 2010

On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 2:06 AM, Anthony <i.lurve.linux at> wrote:
> I'm not entirely sure what Ian Fleming is trying to do.  However I do

Who is Ian Fleming?

> understand the issue with trying to wade through the mailing list
> submissions from Ubuntu-au and I'm wondering why this mail list subscription
> cannot be switched over to a NNTP or Newsgroup server?

Ahhggg. So you want everyone to use a external server which is going
to be slower than using their ISP's email server?

> The advantages are that when people respond to a question, it places the
> answers under the original question indented to the right so anyone can see
> it's a response to the first post.  It's also a alot easier to search for
> key words in a newsgroup then the mailing list.  And control of who has
> access to the newsgroup and who does not would be much easier.

This is standard with better mail clients such as Sylpheed, I'm sure
that there are plenty of others. BWT, Google's Gmail threads the email

> I've submitted a screen-dump to illustrate what I'm trying to point out.
> Anyone think this would be worth looking into?

I'm sure we can all think of better projects to collectively spend our
time. This suggestion is a big no from me also.



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