ubuntu-au Digest, Vol 55, Issue 10
Ana Maria Arcos Solari
ana.uru.aussie at gmail.com
Mon Sep 13 23:14:14 BST 2010
Thanks Paul, I will try all this and see how I go. I will get back
with result as soon as I can. I am a bit slow with this so please be
xxx Ana
On Sat, Sep 11, 2010 at 9:00 PM, <ubuntu-au-request at lists.ubuntu.com> wrote:
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> Today's Topics:
> 1. Re: printer and internet wired or wireless doesn't work
> (Paul Gear)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 17:36:14 +1000
> From: Paul Gear <paul at libertysys.com.au>
> Subject: Re: printer and internet wired or wireless doesn't work
> To: ubuntu-au at lists.ubuntu.com
> Message-ID: <4C8B316E.3010603 at libertysys.com.au>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> On 10/09/10 16:23, Ana Maria Arcos Solari wrote:
>> Hi, i think I sent this before but I have been away so i don't know
>> where the answer is, sorry!.
> Hi Ana,
> I hope you're enjoying using Kubuntu despite these issues. Let's hope
> we can help you get them sorted out.
>> 3 problems to solve:
>> 1) I have the Kubuntu 10.04 and when I first installed on my acer
>> travelmate 6293 the internet wireless worked really well ( I didn't
>> test the wired). But now the orange light went off and I can't get it
>> back.
> There are a couple of things that might have happened here:
> 1. Your wireless card might be turned off by a hardware/firmware
> switch - on some laptops it's a little mechanical switch or button
> around the outside of the machine somewhere; on others it's an Fn
> key combination.
> 2. Your networking might have been turned off in software. I'm not
> sure what it is in KDE (which is the GUI in Kubuntu), but in GNOME
> (the GUI in standard Ubuntu), you can right click the network
> settings applet and turn it on and off (both wireless
> specifically, and networking in general). Someone else on the
> list might be able to advise on the exact method for Kubuntu.
> 3. There might be some bug with your wireless card. My Dell Latitude
> D830 is affected by a bug whereby if it is booted with the
> hardware switch on, it turns off at a certain point in bootup and
> won't turn back on. If i boot with the hardware switch off, it
> turns on successfully after the driver has loaded. If your laptop
> has an Intel wireless card, it may be affected by this or a
> similar bug.
> Personally, i don't find that a reboot fixes much with wireless stuff on
> Linux, so i would use that as a last resort. In general, you should
> only need to reboot Linux when there's a kernel update, or certain other
> core software (update manager will tell you when it's necessary).
>> 2) Also the printer (cannon LBP 3200) doesn't work. I have windows
>> vista as well as Kubuntu in my computer. All works ok with vista.
> A quick Google search indicates that the printer has driver support for
> CUPS (http://software.canon-europe.com/products/0010044.asp), but the
> OpenPrinting database has nothing
> (http://www.openprinting.org/printers), so some fiddling might be in
> order to get it working.
>> 3) I have downloaded a piano tuning program "Tunelab" and it doesn't
>> execute the file tunelab.exe
> To execute Windows programs on Linux, you need to install a product
> called "wine" - you can do this through the normal software installer
> (i'm not exactly sure where it is on Kubuntu, but i'm sure it will be
> pretty obvious). After you install wine, .exe programs should start
> using that when you open them in the file manager. Some Windows
> software works really well in wine - other software doesn't work at
> all. If the latter is true in this case, you should find some
> alternatives if you search in the software installer.
> Paul
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