firefox on Ubuntu 10.04

Norm, VK3XCI vk3xci at
Sun May 30 01:11:19 BST 2010

Boy, is 10.04 giving me some grief, particularly from an LTS point and 
especially on my 701SD netbook

Here's the latest....

I finally got wireless working on the 701SD. had to change the whole network to 
WEP 40 open key. I have some cards coming to enable WPA.

The current problem is Firefox won't download https pages. I get a "server 
taking too long to respond" error.

Chromium connects just fine.

I've been through all the privacy and encryption settings and I can't find a 

Anyone got a clue?


73 de Norm, VK3XCI
Mildura, Australia
The Wintersun City

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