Formal v Informal structure
Scott Evans
scott at
Wed May 19 03:27:08 BST 2010
On Wed, 2010-05-19 at 12:04 +1000, Paul Gear wrote:
> On 19/05/10 11:11, Cary Bielenberg wrote:
> > Ok just got off my backside& had a look& on average the teams are 1 owner& between 2& 6 admins depending on the country. Interestingly the US has state based loco's. I guess we are way too small for that. As Andrew stated there is 2 models for this& we will have to decide what model/structure we take.
> >
> I've been thinking about the applicability of state-based LoCos as
> well. Assuming even population spread between states, and an identical
> per-capita take-up of Ubuntu between .au and .us (both highly flawed
> assumptions), .us has 309 million persons (very rough figure from
> Wikipedia) in 50 states, or approximately one LoCo per 6,180,000
> persons. A per-state LoCo would give .au (22 million persons in 8
> states - we'll count ACT & NT as states), or approximately one LoCo per
> 2,750,000 persons. This is not really that different, and i wonder
> whether it wouldn't be more practical in terms of co-ordination and the
> like.
> Paul
It's a bit of a catch 22 either way, I had thought along similar lines
but I think there would be a bit of a struggle to get sufficient numbers
to make it work and remain working beyond initial set up
However I still believe that there should be a structure of sorts, but
the pros & cons for me presently have me a bit muffed at it all and so
while I'm thinking like this I'll most likely be a fence sitter (no
helpful I know!) But lets also face it, the US wouldn't have it any
other way now would they! (in jest)
Scott Evans VK7HSE
Phone: +61362291658
Mobile: +61417586157
Skype: vk7hse
scott at
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