A plea for civility

Paul Gear paul at libertysys.com.au
Sun May 16 05:19:17 BST 2010

Hi folks,

I've been reading most of the discussion over the last few days with a 
heavy heart.  What we're doing at the moment is proving that the LoCo 
council were right to deny us re-approval.

I /*beg*/ everyone who has posted over the last week to make a concerted 

    * to see the best in other people
    * NOT to be offended when others don't see the best in you
    * to make suggestions that are reasonable
    * NOT to be offended when others don't see your suggestions as
    * to do things which bring our community together
    * NOT to call attention to those actions which pull our community apart
    * to suggest good ideas and make positive steps to see them become
    * to applaud and congratulate others when they have good ideas
    * NOT to seek credit or desire applause for your own good ideas
    * to re-read the Ubuntu Code of Conduct
      (http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct) and think about how you
      can better live up to it
    * NOT to point out (or even /notice/) when others are not meeting
      the code of conduct
    * to be patient with slow, incremental progress
    * to disagree with others only where /absolutely necessary/, and do
      it off-list, and respectfully

Perhaps a way to summarise all of the above would be:

   1. Do the right thing
   2. Reward those who do the right thing with your attentiveness and
   3. Ignore those who are doing the wrong thing

There won't be progress towards re-approval without /everyone/ putting 
their hurt feelings and egos in the back seat for the good of the community.


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