Getting reapproved

Paul Gear paul at
Fri May 14 10:03:32 BST 2010

On 14/05/10 18:06, Andre Mangan wrote:
> ...
> That is one of the failings of having only one person for contact for 
> the whole of Australia.  There really should be several.

That's actually a good suggestion.  I tried to start something like that 
It's looking pretty empty at the moment.

> The concept of meritocracy is a literary fantasy and on par with many 
> esoteric doctrines designed to establish superiority over the 
> ignorant.  Please abandon this concept.  It has no right to exist and 
> the way it has been used in the Ubuntu community smacks of autocracy 
> in disguise.

Like it or not, meritocracy is the way the Free Software development 
community works (and by extension, a lot of the rest of the Free 
Software community).  Being dismissive of it will not help you gain 
favour with the LoCo council, and there is no way it will ever be 
abandoned as a practice.

> I was quite embarrassed by your letter to the LoCo Council.  To me it 
> seemed dismissive and untruthful.
> Again, in your post below, I read of matters totally foreign to me.   
> Either I have not been paying attention or your inventive skills are 
> finely honed.

Andre, the time for finger-pointing and name-calling has passed.  Now is 
the time to show your strength by 1) getting over it, and 2) doing 
something positive to make it better.


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