Getting reapproved

Michael Chesterton chesty at
Fri May 14 09:44:28 BST 2010

Hello Andre,

I have some good news, and some bad news. First the bad, you are a vocal minority
and the cause of the loco losing its status. The good news, your voice is as good as

If I were you, I would go make sure the agenda is relevant to you, attend the meeting, 
try and get a team leadership structure consensus and a method of nomination and 
vote. It sounds like you don't want one person to pick the team, fair enough.

On 14/05/2010, at 6:06 PM, Andre Mangan wrote:

> Hello Melissa,
> I have been a part of this mailing list since 2005.  Back then I was a keen neophyte and eager to belong.  I wrote to the designated Team Contact to offer some suggestions on improving some aspects of the organisation as well as offering my talents.   I never did receive a reply.  I wrote a second letter and again there was no reply.

> No doubt you had reasons for your silence, Melissa but unfortunately your inaction left a scar.
> That is one of the failings of having only one person for contact for the whole of Australia.  There really should be several.

There are a number of teams with multiple contacts. You could add it to the agenda.

> The concept of meritocracy is a literary fantasy and on par with many esoteric doctrines designed to establish superiority over the ignorant.  Please abandon this concept.  It has no right to exist and the way it has been used in the Ubuntu community smacks of autocracy in disguise.

I might be totally wrong on this, but I believe the first LUG meeting jdub ever went to,
he was elected president. Too lazy to fact check, though.

If the team can't come to a consensus in a reasonable time frame, escalate it to Jono.

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