A local Shipit service for regional users

Michael keltoiboy at gmail.com
Fri Mar 19 01:53:21 GMT 2010

Hi Norm, Peter, Jared, all and sundry.

On Mar 19, 9:47 am, "Norm, VK3XCI" <vk3... at aanet.com.au> wrote:
> A hand labeled generic disk is NOT going to cut it with the local school
> principal or small business owner.
> --
> ubuntu-au mailing list
> ubuntu... at lists.ubuntu.comhttps://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-au

To Norm, I agree, sort of, with most of what you said except this. I
think local school principals who are trying to work within a budget
handed down by head office would be happy for any opportunity to cut
costs in any area yet still have something that is equal to or better
than what they have already paid for in the past.

To Peter, I think its obvious you are doing a great thing.

To Jared, I think a release special is still a great idea. Maybe offer
the free CDs to things like Computer Banks (http://
www.armidale.nsw.gov.au/communityorgs/7808.html) or old age hostels or
something similar where the people who are getting the service are in
need for it. There ar plenty of Computer Banks around and I'm sure
some would appreciate the help.

Just a thought.
Michael (k3lt01).

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