A local Shipit service for regional users

Jared Norris jrnorris at gmail.com
Thu Mar 18 06:22:56 GMT 2010


I had a set amount of money I was willing to donate myself but as far
as time goes I was pretty much willing to do any of it myself if
others weren't able to assist. As far as receiving the donations I
guess this will be dependant on how many people order it and what sort
of money was required to fill the order.


The "order CD" tab on the website links to a permanent service where
you pay for postage and they send you a CD. My original intention for
this as a release celebration to get people starting to use it and
update their PCs over the next couple of months rather than an ongoing
commitment to send out CDs. However you raise a good point, whoever it
is that runs that service (the site says Peter Baker - I have seen the
name before on the list I believe but unable to obtain an email
address so if you're reading this, Hi) I would be interested in
knowing just how many times a month/year it is used. If it is
infrequent I probably wouldn't mind continuing the service for free
but it it's a regular occurrence getting people to pay for their own
postage is the only viable option other than the official Shipit

I was contemplating putting this on the "Roadmap to Lucid" page as a
project and going to see if anyone with access to ubuntu.org.au can
put it on the front page as "News" with the contact details already
supplied to the list for this project that would also be another way
of getting it out there.



On 18 March 2010 14:18, Michael <keltoiboy at gmail.com> wrote:
> There is already an "order cd" tab on the website, the only problem is
> it isn't Jared's name listed. Maybe the tab should list the original
> page as well as Jared's information.
> I also wonder if it is feasible to do a USB option. I realise this
> would cost more but it could also offer more and would be more useful
> to people with a netbook that doesn't have a cd/dvd drive. I would be
> more than happy to assist with setting USBs up.
> Michael (k3lt01)
> On Mar 18, 11:17 am, Andrew Gaydon <gande... at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Not everybody subscribes to the mail list.
>> We need to get a notice on the website & Facebook.
>> How many people do you have donating time ?
>> How are you collecting money to pay for the CD's ?
>> Just some questions!!
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