A local Shipit service for regional users

Dale quail.linux at gmail.com
Tue Mar 16 01:14:24 GMT 2010

On 15 March 2010 23:22, Jared Norris <jrnorris at gmail.com> wrote:
> Good evening all,
> With the release of Lucid Lynx approaching us sooner rather than later
> one idea I had that I would like to put out there to the mailing list
> was a bit of a Shipit type service (see https://shipit.ubuntu.com/ for
> the official version) that aims at delivering the new release much
> sooner than the quoted 10 weeks from the website. What I am proposing
> is that some users in metropolitan Australia with quicker download
> speeds and higher download quota limits burn a copy of the new release
> and then post it to another user who might be stuck on dial up or
> regional 3G services with very low download limits.
> I would like to see if this sort of a service would be useful to our
> regional users or not and I would also be willing to coordinate this
> service. I have costed the idea and to post a CD to anywhere in
> Australia from anywhere in Australia would cost $2.50 (this includes
> the packaging and the postage costs) and also the cost the CD itself.
> How this would be paid would be dependant upon how many people were
> wanting this service and how many people were willing to help out.
> If you are interested please feel free to either drop me an email (on
> or off the list I don't mind) or pop into IRC (as explained
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam/IRC - I'm usually lurking, my
> nick is head_victim) and just send me a message.

Hi All,

You may want to try get in contact / coordinate with Peter Baker
(jellyware) as he does the cds[1] too, as he got web site and checkout
already setup.


[1] http://ubuntu.net.au/
[WWW] http://quail.southernvaleslug.org/
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of thinking we were at when we created them" - Albert Einstein

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