Re-approval application for Ubuntu-Au

Melissa Draper melissa at
Sun Apr 18 13:45:43 BST 2010

Greetings LoCo Council,

Please accept this email as our attendance for our re-approval meeting
as per discussion with Laura and Alan. The Australian Team Mailing List
is copied in so that they may be involved in this process. Our
re-approval application wiki page is

We have an active mailing list of over 300 people and two IRC channels
#ubuntu-au for support and the unlogged #ubuntu-au-chat for, well, chat.

We don't hold IRC meetings often as there's often a lack of agenda. We
held one last month and will probably hold one again in the next few
weeks to discuss the roadmap below and other issues that need discussing
as per the mailing list.

We were initially approved 4 years ago in 2006. 2006 was our most
formative year as is shown on the wiki. 2007 and 2008 followed with
release parties and conference-oriented events.

2009 was a quiet year, with several events (Education Expo and
OpenCeBIT) we participated in previously not being run due to the Global
Financial Crisis. It was socially a fruitful year though, with Paul Gear
and myself meeting representatives from the Malaysian LoCo.

So far in 2010, we've run a small expo booth at the annual
conference (amusingly held in New Zealand, we donate the conf to them
occasionally) and a group of Brisbane people have had a face-to-face

Our 2010 Planned marketing activities include:
* Software Freedom Day 2010, various events. Adelaide already being
* Would like to organise a promotion to Ubuntu to 1st Year Computer
Science students at University of South Australia, Mawson Lakes Campus.
* Education expo in various cities
* OpenCeBIT (Late may)

Release parties planned for Lucid include:
* 2010-05-08 - Brisbane: Lucid Release
* TBD - Adelaide: A release party is being organised, we are trying to
organize a venue. we will try and work with the Adelaide hacker space
* TBD - Hobart Lucid Lynx release party
* Some members of the team offer to send free burned copies of Ubuntu
10.04 to those requesting them following the Lucid release.

We even already have some 2011 (very tentatively) planned activities
* We will once again man Ubuntu booth at Linux.Conf.Au in Brisbane
* Looking to organise a booth together with 'Linux Australia', at the
Education Expo 2011 (Adelaide and Sydney).

Melissa Draper

w: &

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