Upgrading to Ubuntu Karmic Koala 9.10

Tim Mullins mullins.tim at gmail.com
Mon Oct 19 05:09:50 BST 2009

I understand your points, and your right. I'm sorry i didn't meant to argue.

I'v just never had a stable Ubuntu Linux system after doing a Distribution

I also seemed to think that the user was happy with Ubuntu to the point that
they do not need Windows anymore, thus doing a new clean install and wiping
Windows is always a good idea to have a stable system thats as fast as
possible and has full access to all the hard drive.

I've also has WUBI installs go corrupt on me in the past for some unknown
reason so I do not think they are really stable and good for long term use.

But hey, we should not be arguing about this, at least we all are on the
good side of the force and use Linux.  ;-)

2009/10/19 Dave Hall <dave.hall at skwashd.com>

> On Mon, 2009-10-19 at 14:33 +1100, Tim Mullins wrote:
> > You must have missed the bit where the guy says he is using a WUBI
> > install of Ubuntu inside the Windows C:\ Drive.
> I read that bit and for some users that is the best option for their
> needs.
> > Your instructions probably will not work for a WUBI install, as it
> > uses a Virtual Hard Drive Images like a Virtual Machine.
> As the file system sits on top of the disk, it most likely will work.
> > Even if they did work, it is known that a WUBI install is slower than
> > a real install, so my point to the user who asked the question was
> > that since your running a WUBI install you should do a clean install.
> > Funny how you ignored that bit and took the rest completely out of
> > context.
> If the user is happy enough to use ubuntu under wubi, then there is
> little point in recommending the change.  If they have a relatively
> recent PC, they are unlikely to find ubuntu slow under wubi.  Yes it is
> slower, but so too is windows.  Funny how no where has the OP suggested
> that wubi is slow or he is unhappy with it, yet you encourage him to
> drop it.
> So my point remains, it is a very valid option to upgrade to karmic
> under wubi and then optionally upgrade the filesystem to ext4 - no
> reinstallation is required.  Many home users are unlikely to notice the
> benefits of ext4, they just want an OS that works.
> Cheers
> Dave

Best Regards,
Tim Mullins
Open Source, Operating Systems, & Graphical User Interfaces.
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