
Andre Mangan andremangan at
Tue Mar 17 21:40:13 GMT 2009

Notebook, Laptops, Netbooks are all various incarnations of the same thing =
portable computers.  They are not built for any particular operating system
although they are offered for sale with one operating system or another.

Dual monitor connections depend on the graphics card and portable computers
generally do not have the space to accommodate that.

I have installed eeebuntu on two netbooks with full functionality out of the

If you want to install the "standard" version of Ubuntu you will have to do
some extra configuring.  Since this has all been done before there are
plenty of HowTos available as a guide.


2009/3/18 David Ryder <davaweb at>

> Hi,
> I'm after a notebooks which I will only put Ubuntu (8+) on. I want the
> internet camera and mic built in (Ekiga, Skype).
> I went to JB Hi-Fi and Powerhouse yesterday. To my amazement, I was told
> that all notebooks will take linux perfectly (as in "no problems") and
> one said he uses Ubuntu on 'several' without a problem - though he
> needed his brother-in-law to install it.
> Neither would accept my offer of "I will buy it if you guarantee my
> money back if it does not work with Ubuntu (8.04). They would not as
> they then said "They were made to work with Windows XP/Vista".
> My second question was, do any have dual monitor outputs? No. OK, it was
> a like-to-have, not a necessity.
> So, I ask the list, is it true that all notebooks will work with Ubuntu
> 8.04 (+?) including the camera, mic, Skype for Ubuntu, Ekiga, ethernet
> adapter to my router, Seagate FreeAgent 500 usb drive, wi-fi internet??
> Apologies for asking but I was under the impression notebooks were not
> so simple?
> David
> --
> ubuntu-au mailing list
> ubuntu-au at
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