Introducing Ubuntu to Club Members.

Cary Bielenberg cary at
Fri Jun 12 12:18:30 BST 2009

Michael Harold wrote:
> Greetings to Melissa and List Members,
> If you would care to look up you will see where I
> am at! 
> Having been one of the tutors for Absolute Beginners and a Committee
> member for over a year, and enjoyed it, I have suggested to the
> Committee that the Club should offer guidance to its members on the
> installation and use of Ubuntu.
> The Club uses and distributes Writer and other freeware
> already as standard teaching aids, so why not go "the whole hog" and add
> Ubuntu?
> As most of the members are of retiring age with the associated
> restraints on spending, but still want to be able to store and organise
> family photos, write and receive e-mails - even have a go at keeping up
> with the grand kids, Linux and particularly Ubuntu has distinct
> financial advantages to say the least!
> The Club is holding its AGM on the first of July at which I hope to have
> a running slide presentation going, plus a static display with handouts
> advertising Ubuntu and its advantages.
> To that end I feel certain that there are at least sources of material
> that could be of interest to the Club Members and maybe someone who has
> "Bin-there-done-that" whose experience would be invaluable to us.
> Please note the rather short time for replies and required activities.
> Hopefully,
> Mike H.
Mike, Great job you guys do! I would love to help but am in Wamuran 
(near Caboolture) I am doing something similar at out local Show 
Society. What I have found with our bunch is they take to Kubuntu easier 
as at least the taskbar is in the same place. One of the advantages of 
*buntu is the myriad of applications they can install & play with once 
they get there heads around the package management. Some of the 
favourites are cooking & genealogy programs.

Keep up the good work!

Cary Bielenberg

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