SOLVED !!! Re: Help!!! Music player Amarok has error about "DCOP communications"

Dave Hall dave.hall at
Tue Jan 6 13:07:34 GMT 2009


I am not sure if you are aware that will be in Hobart
later this month.  This is one of the best Linux conferences around -
although it is quite technical.  

If you can't afford the time (or ticket price)  you should try to make
it along to the openday - see

I am not sure about the Mint crew, but there will be people from
Australian Ubuntu community.  There will also be other projects and
distros represented at the open day.  It might be a good chance for you
to meet some more local Linux geeks.



On Tue, 2009-01-06 at 18:43 +1100, Peter Williams wrote:
> Hello Everyone (I'm doing a reply to all - for this email) *SMILE*
> & thank you Paul, for your nice email. *GRIN*
> 2009/1/4 Paul Shirren <shirro at>
>         Hi Peter,
>         Peter Williams wrote:
>                 To my great happiness (poor wording, I know!!!) - my
>                 Ubuntu Mint (Elyssa) OS is now working almost
>                 perfectly!!! *BIG SMILE & HAPPY
>                 GRIN**!!!
>         Well done.
>         Can you please not refer to Mint Linux as Ubuntu Mint. Mint
>         and Ubuntu are two separate projects with their own
>         developers, forums and mailing lists.
> Okay, I will try to keep that in mind and refer to my OS by its
> correct name; "Mint Linux". 
> I get quite a bit confused about its correct name. I think that the
> Mint Linux ppl also call it Ubuntu Mint Linux etc etc. :-) There seems
> to be quite a lot of jargon & buzz-words etc involved for the OS { Not
> that I'm objecting! SMILE }. Also, I find that the sheer volume of
> information and facts, knowledge and 'wisdom' of the Gurus developing
> the Mint Linux project -- well, it's information overload!! Too much
> for me to know where to begin looking. *SIGH*
> Note: I'm still only a Linux Newbie although I've used many many
> different computer systems over my life... since I was a young
> teenager (or even younger!). Our family's first computer was a
> Commodore PET (Personal Electronic Transactor) with 16 KB of RAM
> expandable to 32KB RAM. Actually, it was a pretty good machine -- it
> had a 6502 processor and it communicated with peripherals with a
> IEEE-488 port and also had a programmable 'user port' !!! It was
> amazing!!! And also very powerful. Actually, it's OS was Commodore PET
> BASIC which was written by Micro$oft! and was a combination of BASIC
> programming language with DOS commands included also!!! It was
> powerful but it bit tricky to learn!!!   [ THOSE WERE THE DAYS!!! -
> e.g. circa the 1970's ]
>         We are all in the same big happy open source family but there
>         are issues
>         of branding and trademark. The Ubuntu trademark is owned by
>         Canonical
>         and I am sure they would not want it to be diluted. I am sure
>         the Mint
>         people are proud of their work and feel the same.
> Thank you for explaining that. I'm very very pleased with my OS -
> although it still has its little querks (spelling?!). The nice people
> at Canonical are amazingly clever and I admire and thank them!!!! ###
>         Then I discovered that the repositories were wrong!!! The were
>         pointing to Ubuntu repositories instead of Ubuntu Mint
>         (Elyssa) ones.
>         I don't know if this is a consequence of not understanding
>         that Ubuntu and Mint are two separate projects.
> Yes, it probably is!!! (SMILE). I'll admit that I'm still a newbie
> beginner at Mint Linux; although I'll admit that I've been 'learning'
> Linux for more than one year!!! I'm just happy to get help from the
> those wonderfully clever and friendly Linux users!!!!!!!!!!!
>         I had a Ford made by Mazda. You could probably replace
>         suspension and engine parts with Mazda parts but other would
>         have been to Ford specs. A person in that situation might ask
>         about after market accessories on a Mazda forum and get
>         friendly and useful advice but might also get completely
>         misleading advice if Ford had changed the spec on some parts.
> That's an interesting analogy, and I think I understand. Thanks for
> that. #SMILE#
> Yours Sincerely, 
> PEW - poet, computer geek, amiable human being and Christian 
> -- 
> Fond Regards,
> Peter Eric (aka 'pew') WILLIAMS 
> from Hobart, Tasmania, Australia -- phone (03) 6236-9675
> My free website is:  (or)
> (please visit my free website and let me know what you think about
> it.)

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