Replacement computers for bushfire victims

Senectus . senectus at
Wed Feb 11 01:39:03 GMT 2009

2009/2/11 Stewart Johnston <scj at>

> Just heard a lady on the abc talking all the computers that will have
> been lost in the bushfires ("and all the kids wanting to check facebook
> for support"). While it's not the top priority for people just now, I
> imagine that it may become so in the near future.
> Does anyone know of any refurbishment initiatives that might be
> providing PCs to Victoria that are jumping in to help? I'm not working
> at the moment and would be happy to volunteer my Ubuntu installing
> skills, as well as my hardware refurbishing talents, if needed.
As well meaning as this sounds, the reports I've seen and heard suggest they
don't have houses or even power to use the PC's with...

Is there some organization close to ground zero that can confirm or deny
these efforts would be worth working on? no point sending a bunch of working
PC's into an area that don't need to be cluttered by such things... it may
end up being a downright hindrance to recovery.
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