Bluefish text editor question

Andre Mangan andremangan at
Sun Aug 23 23:20:57 BST 2009

2009/8/23 Geoffrey <gcombes4 at>

> I am learning to build a web site, using as a the teaching aid the text
> book called "Build Your Own Web Site the Right Way using HTML & CSS" by
> Ian Lloyd.
> As I intend building a website on Ubuntu, I have installed the Bluefish
> text editor - the stable version 1.0.7. So far so good - I have reached
> the stage of displaying an image on the home page (of the example given
> in the text). The Bluefish manual, however, does not discuss the coding
> (tags, etc.), presuming this to be already known. As a beginner I don't
> know, but this hasn't been a problem because my text book teaches me. I
> have found in Bluefish by trial all tags mentioned so far in the
> teaching aid.
> However there are some curiosities. For example the teaching aid use a p
> tag for paragraph, which is to found on Bluefish toolbar. However there
> is in Bluefish another paragraph tag called para. By trial it works
> equally well for paragraphing. Is there a difference between p and para
> tags?
> My question of members is: Is there a (text) reference for tags that I
> could read and be better informed?
> Geoffrey

Hello Geoffrey,

A quick search using Google revealed this:

You can also use KompoZer (in Add/Remove) which will do the coding for you
but that is not nearly as satisfying as learning HTML and CSS.  KompoZer was
formerly known as Nvu.

Bluefish is a very good editor.  I have used Arachnophilia for many years.
Arachnophilia is a Java program (and free).

For CSS editors:

That should keep you going for a while.

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