Sharing printers without samba?

David Ryder davaweb at
Fri May 23 06:12:37 BST 2008

Hi, says:
"Do you need Samba?
Samba is a metapackage and intended to be installed on servers. Clients
do not need this metapackage. 

The Samba metapackage is not necessary on clients to: 

      * Have your Windows computer use (via a network) a printer that is
        attached to a Linux computer. CUPS can be configured to make the
        printer accessible to the network.  ... "

All my computers are allocated fixed addresses via DHCP.

I have a Windows LAN (workgroup "CEDARS") and Ubuntu computers without a
workgroup name. The Ubuntu computers are named in the format of fqdn
in /etc/hosts, e.g., computer1 (/etc/hostname file
entry: computer1).

I can see/share my Windows computers without samba.

I want to share Ubuntu computers and printers with Windows. How can I do
this without samba, as implied in the guide above?

I would very much rather not install samba as then I get all computers
duplicated in Networks - once in Network and again in Network>Windows
I find this annoying.

Can Windows use Ubuntu computers and printers without samba? If so,
please, how?

Many thanks,
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