ubuntu.org.au server down

Dave Hall dave.hall at skwashd.com
Tue Jun 3 01:23:51 BST 2008

On Tue, 2008-06-03 at 09:41 +1000, Chris Jones wrote:
> This problem never seems to amuse me.
> The server always seems to get overloaded a little after each new release of
> Ubuntu and then admins claim that they are working on the problem so that it
> won't happen again.
> I just wish the problem would be fixed once and for all instead of the same
> problem arising with each new release as has been for some years now.

Is that an offer of unlimited access to your enterprise grade content
delivery network for ubuntu to use for hosting release mirrors and loco

If not, then please understand that mirrors are donated, and the loco
sites are hosted on a box donated by canonical.  Although canonical puts
some cash into ubuntu, most of it is done via donations of various

If you want a reliable way of getting your ubuntu updates, buy the DVD
https://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?products_id=202  Buying
items from the ubuntu store gives the project more money to spend on
things such as boxes and bandwidth, although I suspect they have higher
priority items than a few loco sites.  IMHO the loco sites are a nice
touch, but I can't remember last time I visited one.  I visited the au
planet - to check that my blog was on there :)

This is a long way of saying, ubuntu gives you a lot for free.  No one
is making you use it.  If it isn't up to your high standards, then
please look elsewhere for options.  I think you will find that many pay
for services (such as RHELL's update service) has problems - lets not
even discuss windows update.



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