ubuntu.org.au server down

William Grant william at qeuni.net
Tue Jun 3 01:10:33 BST 2008

Chris Jones wrote:
> This problem never seems to amuse me.

I must have missed the email where somebody said it was vaguely amusing.

> The server always seems to get overloaded a little after each new release of
> Ubuntu and then admins claim that they are working on the problem so that it
> won't happen again.

Are you referring to the archive mirrors being slow after releases? If
so, it's completely unrelated. mekong is not an archive mirror. There's
no easy way to fix archive mirror slowdowns at this stage - we simply
have too many users wanting to upgrade, and need more mirror power!

As for mekong, we have a number of LoCo team websites and mail going
through it. It's not a particularly well-specced machine, but it
normally handles it fine. We're working on optimising things so it works
properly all of the time, rather than just most of it.

> I just wish the problem would be fixed once and for all instead of the same
> problem arising with each new release as has been for some years now.

The bandwidth required by all of our users upgrading is beyond
comprehension. If you can donate the insanely large amount of bandwidth
required, by all means do so. Bandwidth requires money (and lots of it),
and Canonical doesn't have a money tree. Canonical (and indeed the
Ubuntu development community) also has no control over third-party
mirrors such as the Optus one which give users so much grief around release.

William Grant

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