Bigpond USB wireless modem

Melissa Draper melissa at
Mon Jul 21 06:31:48 BST 2008

Paul Gear wrote:
> carlj wrote:
>> Gentelmen,

I'm not even male, so I hope this doesn't preclude me from answering, 
even if belatedly.

>> New to all of this, however I'm surprise how easy it was to install
>> and see verything working on my labtop, minus my bigpond USB wireless
>> modem.
>> New to this, I'm totally lost in how to try to sort out this issure.
>> Have read the documation and some of your post here on this forum,
>> however that have not help in any way.
>> When i'm looking in the Network Manager there is no wireless
>> connection! that's how far I'm.
>> Hope someone could lead me in the right direction.
> After you've modprobed the module, the device is usable as a *dialup
> modem*, not a wirless connection.  You must use the modem device
> /dev/ttyUSB1 and set up a dialup connection to the phone number *99#
> You do this through manual configuration in the network manager.
> Paul

Many usb/pcmcia wireless broadband modems benefit from the application 
developed by the Spanish branch of Vodafone [0]. It is open source and 
works for any carrier.

The application is useful as it can monitor usage, and make it easy to 
restrict yourself to 3g only, so you don't get nasty GPRS surprises. 
Some functions may not work here in aus, but it's great for connection 

The application is still in development, so can require a little 
prodding and/or a reboot or two. You will need to download the 'all' 
version of the .run file, and run it as root. If you get errors about 
permissions, try rebooting, if that doesnt work, chmod the particular 
files it complains about to allow world read/write as well, then reboot 
again. I set the latest version of it up on my ubuntufied eeepc for my 
Soul mobile broadband last night, which uses a huawei e220 [1] modem.


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