File sharing system

Callan Jefferson Davies callan at
Wed Dec 24 11:44:14 GMT 2008

>         - accounts to be only created by designated super
>         users/administrators. (only root can create account)
>         - auto delete of files. (can, run a cron job with scripts)
>         - for size can use quota, for file type i have no idea - need
>         to seek other community member idea)
>         - Email link to user who is sending the file and to the
>         recipient. (can, run a cron job with scripts) 

Hi All,

I agree with what ahsiangsiang posted, except I would ask the question
whether it's all in the local network, or access from the Internet.

If local network only, access to files via SAMBA will be fine.

But if it's going to be accessible externally (say your staff from home)
then I would be suggesting access via FTP.

Regarding the auto-delete function, yes just a script  using the 'find'
command to find all files with for example "mp3" in the name, or find
files of a certain size, and then delete them.

find -name '*.mp3' -print
(except if you want to delete, put -delete instead of -print)

find -size 50M -print
(but the problem is it only finds files EXACTLY 50MB in size)

Do a 'man find' for more options on find :)

The only hard bit is going to be emailing the user .... but I guess
another script that looks at each user's directory twice a day or
something, and emails them a directory listing would be the easiest way.

Best of luck!


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