2.4 (main program) crashes to show Document Recovery window.

Peter Williams pewtas at
Sun Dec 14 06:41:56 GMT 2008

Hi All,

I'm using 2.4 and if I use the (Gnome menu) Applications /
Office / (menu item) to launch OO then the OO main program
will open to allow me to pick which part of it I want to use e.g. Database,
Presentation, Spreadsheet or Word Processor etc ... it then crashes with a
Document Recovery window, as follows:

OpenOffice 2.4 (window title) Document Recovery

Due to an unexpected error, crashed. All the files you were
working on will now be saved. The next time is launched, your
files will be recovered automatically.

The following files will be recovered:
{no files listed}

[ OK ] button.

OO (the main program) seem to crash like this regardless of what task I
pick. Note also that chosing the individual programs in the OO suite does
not result in a crash e.g. I can individually pick Database, Impress,
Spreadsheet or Word Processor from the Applications / Office Menu and they
work fine.

I have tried reinstalling OO but the crashes of OO main program still occur.

I'm using Ubuntu "Linux Mint" version. I can provide other specs of my
system as requested.

I'd appreciate suggestions of help.

Fond Regards,
Peter Eric (aka 'pew') WILLIAMS
from Hobart, Tasmania, Australia -- phone (03) 6236-9675

My free website is:  (or)

(please visit my free website and let me know what you think about it.)
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