script on unmount
Sebastian Spiess
sebastian.spiess at
Sat Apr 19 13:06:55 BST 2008
Jackson Cooper wrote:
> True..
> So then perhaps you could do something if umount's exit status isn't
> 0... It'll still fail when the device is busy, but won't be stuck in
> an infinite loop.
> eg.
> <CODE>
> while true; do
> if [[ -d /media/nameofdongle ]]; then
> rsync -switches /media/nameofdongle /some/other/path
> error=$(umount -switches /media/nameofdongle 2>&1)
> if [ $? != 0 ]; then
> echo "$(date): Error when un-mounting: $error" >>
> /var/log/usb_rsync_errors.log
> exit 1
> fi
> else
> sleep 1
> fi
> done
> </CODE>
> Also, you could use dbus-send to unmount it, it *may* be a bit
> cleaner. The command's in the format of "dbus-send --system
> --print-reply --dest=org.freedesktop.Hal
> /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_UUIDGOESHERE
> org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.UnMount"
> - Jackson
> On Sat, Apr 12, 2008 at 3:33 PM, Frode Egeland <egeland at> wrote:
>> Oops, I didn't spot the umount until after I hit "send".. apologies. :)
>> The umount would do the trick, assuming nothing else makes the device busy,
>> THEN you'd get the infinite loop I was worried about. ;)
Hi Jackson, Hi Frode,
as I am not really familiar with this I wanted to try something I already figured out (with lots of forum reading :-) )
so I created a udev rule: sudo gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/85-usb_legend.rules &
it reads
SUBSYSTEMS==“scsi”,DRIVERS==“sd”,KERNEL==”[0-9]*”,ATTRS{model}==“USB Flash Disk ”,ATTRS{vendor}==“General
”,RUN+=”/home/seb/bin/ %k”
in the shell script I then call rsync
rsync -avS -P /media/LEGEND/Documents/sync/TaskCoach/* /home/seb/sync/TaskCoach
somehow this is 99% similar to another script I set up to fix my external hdd
the only difference is the command called by the script, the scripts location (not in my home) and the ATTRS attributes
I am puzzled... why it is not working?
As for your solution it seemed to me that it fits not my usage scenario:
- home after work
- plug in and synch
- do something with the files on local hdd
- before unmount sync new/changed filed back to USB
When I get your idea right it will unmount right away!?
Still I would like to test you idea but I am not sure where to place your code. in a shell script I assume. I have no idea
about the daemon though.
RE umount of busy drive I could use the lazy option.
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