Panel problems

Mark M Lambert mark+linux.ubuntu at
Tue Apr 15 00:07:53 BST 2008

On Mon, 14 Apr 2008 18:41:13 +1000, "Gregory Storer"
<gps at> said:
> Hello all,
> I seem to have run into a little problem with the panel, at least
> that's what I think it is.
> When I start Ubuntu and everything is fired up, I start up Evolution
> from a launcher on my panel, the "Starting Evolution" icon appears on
> the bottom panel, then after 20 seconds or so, just disappears.  The
> panel then becomes non-responsive, so clicking any icons on it
> achieves  nothing.
> I've tried CTRL+ALT+Backspace to restart X, but that never restarts
> again successfully, I get the log on screen, enter my user name and
> password and then wait and wait and wait, but the screen remains
> blank, nothing but a pale yellow background and the mouse pointer.
> I hit the power button which powers the machine down and restart.
> I then use the Options button on the log on page and select "fail safe
> gnome" and everything runs OK
> I've been searching the forums, searching google and can't find a
> suitable answer.  I've looked at every log file I can find on my
> computer and can't seem to find anything wrong.
> The problem seems to have happened while I was using VNC to log into
> my computer from work - that was the first time it happened.  I've
> disabled the remote desktop stuff, but still no luck.
> So, does anyone have any ideas about what I should try next?
> Thanks.
> Greg.

Hey Greg,

I think I had a problem like this last year. Try disabling a few of the
programs listed in System > Preferences > Sessions > Startup Programs
.., restart and see if that does anything. You can also try removing
some of your panel applets and restore them one by one until you find
the culprit.


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