linksys help needed

Andrew Otte otte at
Wed Apr 2 06:47:02 BST 2008

On Wed, 2 Apr 2008 1:36:45 pm James Takac wrote:
> Hi Guys
> I'm trying to set up my wireless router without any luck to speak of as
> yet. The router is a linksys WRT54G and the modem a netgear DM111P. From
> what I gather on the lights on the linksys it sees the net thru the modem
> as the internet light is on when I connect the hardware, but I still can't
> get out onto the net at all from any pc even over the ethernet cables so
> have had to resort to my old netgear wired router just to keep the net
> going my end. I've tried going thru the manual and it hasn't helped me nor
> have the various sites I checked online, not even the ubuntu documentation.
> Anyone know how I might get this hardware combo going or is there a better
> router/modem combo which can buy here in Aus
> Pref to get working what I have of course
> James

I have a wrt54gs router working fine but I have the optus supplied dlink 
Can you get the DM111P to work direct into a pc?  Then you know it's 
connection is fine?
Is the modem connected to the right plug on the router - mine is 
labelled "internet"?
Have you set the DNS addresses of your provider into the router and/or linux?
There are so many possibilities even before we touch the wireless stuff.

Andrew Otte
Laidley, Queensland
otte at

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