linksys help needed

James Takac p3nndrag0n at
Wed Apr 2 04:36:45 BST 2008

Hi Guys

I'm trying to set up my wireless router without any luck to speak of as yet. 
The router is a linksys WRT54G and the modem a netgear DM111P. From what I 
gather on the lights on the linksys it sees the net thru the modem as the 
internet light is on when I connect the hardware, but I still can't get out 
onto the net at all from any pc even over the ethernet cables so have had to 
resort to my old netgear wired router just to keep the net going my end. I've 
tried going thru the manual and it hasn't helped me nor have the various 
sites I checked online, not even the ubuntu documentation. Anyone know how I 
might get this hardware combo going or is there a better router/modem combo 
which can buy here in Aus

Pref to get working what I have of course


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