Alternatives to Amarok?

Junin Toiro junin.toiro at
Fri Nov 16 23:53:13 GMT 2007

Hiya Norman,

I found this article to cover most players around relatively well if not a little out of date.

Personally I prefer Rhythmbox for performance and being a gnome user
it fits in well which may not be the case for you if your using KDE.
Banshee is also one of my favorites even though it does still have
some issues.

Domo may be an option to look into, I know it uses MySQL, though I'm
pretty sure development has all but stopped on it for the time being.
A mate of mine uses it and seems happy but I've not tried it out

Hope this helps you find an ample substitute.

On 11/17/07, Norman Ma <norm1991 at> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was wondering whether there's a suitable alternative to my favourite music
> player, Amarok. Is there any other music player out there which can use
> MySQL (or PostgreSQL) as its collection database ? SQLite isn't as viable an
> option for me, because any program using it (such as Exaile) maxes my CPU to
> 100%, and my music collection is 50 000+ tracks.
> Cheers,
> Norman
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Sam Jackson / Nandemonai / Junin Toiro
Rendai Media -

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