Hardware problem: Dead desktop

Martin Visser martinvisser99 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 12 01:57:41 GMT 2007


On Nov 11, 2007 5:30 PM, Owen Townend <bowbowbow at optushome.com.au> wrote:
>   On the original issue, I'll second the probability of the mobo being
> dead, but I'd try checking the power supply first. I've had some very
> strange symptoms attributed to PSU issues in the past.
>   If you have a multimeter check all the voltages. You can turn the psu
> on without it being connected to the mobo by shorting the green wire to
> any of the black ones. There's only one green wire. A bent paper clip
> will do the trick. Then you can check all the voltages on the connector.

This will help you check the voltages of the PS if it is totally dead,
though it won't let you know how it performs under load. Also some
PSes don't seem to turn on properly (beyond the sense voltage) unless
they have some load. My thoughts are it is best to connect it up to a
system and/or stick a few hard drives on to the molex connectors. That
way you are drawing some current and are more likely to see it drop
away from the required levels. And if you have a menagerie of PCs like
we do here. you can also just check things out with a spare PS (or a
new one will only cost around $25 if you look around anyway).

Regards, Martin

Martin Visser

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