Connect phone to Telstra NextG using Ubuntu?

Karl Bowden karlbowden at
Fri Nov 2 08:15:27 GMT 2007

IIRC, dun and pan are the two main ways of 'networking' via bluetooth.
I'm far from an expert on this but - from what I understand:

pan forms a more traditional style network with the bluetooth device
your connecting to. More akin to the phone being a wireless broadband

dun forms a Dial Up Network connection VIA the phone. So using the
phone as a modem you can access the internet via the phone, but the
phone itself is not an addressable part of that network.

pan would be my perferred more flexible way of getting internet access
and allows some interesting possibilities for networking with the
phone, but i've never been able to setup a pan connection to my nokia
6110 or wm5 jasjam.

I have not tried a dun connection via my nokia yet, but I will try and
get round to it within a couple of days. My nokia's with optus and has
fairly hefty data charges on the plan i'm on.

So to make a long story short. I would recommend you trying a 'dun'
internet connection first. That's the way most of the nokia software
in windows will connect you to the internet.
One thing that took me forever to figure out was that telstra told me
I didnt need a usernamd and password to use the internet via the
phone. Which although true, my laptop would not finish connecting
until i put in the user "guest" line and the corrosponding chap and
pap lines. It should not matter what the username and password are,
i've just used guest/guest. But without it pppd was not finishing
establishing a connection.


On 11/2/07, Jean Hollis Weber <jeanweber at> wrote:
> David Whyte wrote:
> > On 11/2/07, Jean Hollis Weber <jeanweber at> wrote:
> >> I'm feeling conspicuously dumb today (as you'll see below), so I hope you
> >> or someone will take pity on me and help me find my way.
> >
> > I do understand.  I am just having an uber busy day at work so can't
> > really take the time out to help now.
> No worries. I'm not in any great hurry. (I should have said that earlier.)
> Today I got a bit further, following your instructions belows, and with a
> few clues from Karl Bowden's note. (Thanks, Karl.)
> > You have to first pair the phone.  I did this from my Windows Mobile
> > phone as there doesn't seem to be a nice graphical user interface
> > (GUI) for this in Ubuntu.  My phone then showed up when I went into
> > preferences.
> I have now managed to pair the two.
> > Then you need to know the hardware address of the phone, which is in
> > the format of NN:NN:NN:NN (off the top of my head).
> This one had me stumped for awhile, until Karl mentioned hcitool scan. That
> got me the number, which is 00:1D:98:7F:E8:27. Then I got the channel
> number (2) using sdptool search dun
> Do I need to do the third step Karl mentioned?
> sudo rfcomm bind 0 00:1D:98:7F:E8:27 2
> Do I need the 3 files he mentioned?
> > Then I had to start the PAN server on the phone
> I'm not sure what the "PAN server on the phone" is or how to start it.
> > and connect to it from
> > Ubuntu by typing the command *similar* to the following..
> >
> > sudo pand --connect NN:NN:NN:NN -n
> >
> > where I substitute my phones address from above.
> I did that and got this:
> jeanweber at jean07:~$ sudo pand --connect 00:1D:98:7F:E8:27 -n
> pand[22441]: Bluetooth PAN daemon version 3.19
> pand[22441]: Connecting to 00:1D:98:7F:E8:27
> pand[22441]: Connect to 00:1D:98:7F:E8:27 failed. Connection refused(111)
> >> When I select "Browse Device" my phone shows up in the little dialog, but
> >> when I click Connect, I get an error message: "obex://[00:1d:98:7f:e8:27]"
> >> is not a valid location. Please check the spelling and try again." Huh?
> >> What have I not done, or done wrong? What should I do?
> >
> > I don't think Windows Mobile is supporting the correct profile to
> > allow things to browse the device.  I don't know what profile that is
> > though.
> I'm not using a Windows Mobile phone. It's a Nokia. Not sure whether that
> makes any difference; may still be a profile problem... whatever a profile
> is and wherever it might be hiding. :-)
> >> My phone offers to exchange a passcode with the computer, but I have no
> >> idea where to input the passcode on the computer.
> >
> > My BT icon in the top tray flashes.  You have to click the flashing icon.
> OK, this worked this time and I was able to pair it. However, I'm still
> getting the obex error message mentioned earlier.
> Well, I've made progress today, but still have aways to go.
> I've included the output of my whole session below, in case you or someone
> can interpret it for more clues.
> --Jean
> jeanweber at jean07:~$ hcitool scan
> Scanning ...
>          00:10:C6:5F:FE:4C       D63WCF1S
>          00:1D:98:7F:E8:27       Nokia 6120 classic
> jeanweber at jean07:~$ sdptool search dun
> Inquiring ...
> Searching for dun on 00:10:C6:5F:FE:4C ... {{This is the other computer}}
> Service Name: Dial-up Networking
> Service RecHandle: 0x10005
> Service Class ID List:
>    "Dialup Networking" (0x1103)
> Protocol Descriptor List:
>    "L2CAP" (0x0100)
>    "RFCOMM" (0x0003)
>      Channel: 5
> Language Base Attr List:
>    code_ISO639: 0x656e
>    encoding:    0x6a
>    base_offset: 0x100
> Profile Descriptor List:
>    "Dialup Networking" (0x1103)
>      Version: 0x0100
> Searching for dun on 00:1D:98:7F:E8:27 ... {{This is the phone}}
> Service Name: Dial-Up Networking
> Service RecHandle: 0x10002
> Service Class ID List:
>    "Dialup Networking" (0x1103)
> Protocol Descriptor List:
>    "L2CAP" (0x0100)
>    "RFCOMM" (0x0003)
>      Channel: 2
> Language Base Attr List:
>    code_ISO639: 0x454e
>    encoding:    0x6a
>    base_offset: 0x100
> Profile Descriptor List:
>    "Dialup Networking" (0x1103)
>      Version: 0x0100
> jeanweber at jean07:~$ sudo rfcomm bind 0 00:1D:98:7F:E8:27 2
> [sudo] password for jeanweber:
> jeanweber at jean07:~$ sdptool search dun
> Inquiring ...
> Searching for dun on 00:10:C6:5F:FE:4C ...
> Service Name: Dial-up Networking
> Service RecHandle: 0x10005
> Service Class ID List:
>    "Dialup Networking" (0x1103)
> Protocol Descriptor List:
>    "L2CAP" (0x0100)
>    "RFCOMM" (0x0003)
>      Channel: 5
> Language Base Attr List:
>    code_ISO639: 0x656e
>    encoding:    0x6a
>    base_offset: 0x100
> Profile Descriptor List:
>    "Dialup Networking" (0x1103)
>      Version: 0x0100
> Searching for dun on 00:1D:98:7F:E8:27 ...
> Service Name: Dial-Up Networking
> Service RecHandle: 0x10002
> Service Class ID List:
>    "Dialup Networking" (0x1103)
> Protocol Descriptor List:
>    "L2CAP" (0x0100)
>    "RFCOMM" (0x0003)
>      Channel: 2
> Language Base Attr List:
>    code_ISO639: 0x454e
>    encoding:    0x6a
>    base_offset: 0x100
> Profile Descriptor List:
>    "Dialup Networking" (0x1103)
>      Version: 0x0100
> jeanweber at jean07:~$ sudo pand --connect
> jeanweber at jean07:~$ sudo pand --connect 00:1D:98:7F:E8:27 -n
> pand[22441]: Bluetooth PAN daemon version 3.19
> pand[22441]: Connecting to 00:1D:98:7F:E8:27
> pand[22441]: Connect to 00:1D:98:7F:E8:27 failed. Connection refused(111)
> --
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> ubuntu-au at

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