trouble with pan

James Takac p3nndrag0n at
Tue May 22 02:59:38 BST 2007

Hi Guys

Thought I'd try pan as I haven't been on usenet for a while now. Ususally I 
have no probs configuring a news reader but for pan that seems to have 
changed. And yes, I've googled around, tried reading the documentaion, etc. 
What's happening is that no matter what nntp server I try (even one from my 
isp), pan tells me there is no connection. I've tried both with and without 
firewall running so I think I've ruled that out. Well, just figured out 
another possibility, e.g. router blocking it. So begs the q, as I have 3 pc's 
on that router, how can I determine this ones ip address? Then if setting the 
router port forwarding fails I'll have to ask further on pan


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