re Claws 2.8.0 email program

Simon Wong simon at
Mon Mar 5 23:18:55 GMT 2007

On Mon, 2007-03-05 at 15:51 +1000, Tony Brow wrote:
> Whilst browsing  the net I found the Claws 2.8.0 email program. I
> think it is fairly new.  It looks like a very nice one. Beautiful
> themes, stacks of extras.
> One item puzzles me as a newbie, and that is the "S/Mime"  plug-in. Is
> this really required, or can one safely do without it ?

Hi Tony!  Glad that Pete and HUMBUG were able to get you going :-)

S/Mime is a way of sending digitally signed and/or encrypted emails
similar to OpenPGP (what I use).

It is optional but if you want to be able to send encrypted emails eg
with passwords it is a good idea.  Of course, the recipient needs an
email client (Thunderbird has a plugin or it's built-in) that supports
it as well as exchanging certificate details to be able to verify

Some links for you:

and a comparison with OpenPGP

Simon Wong
simon at | mob 0438 609 011

Dependable Technologies Pty Ltd (ABN 35 108 656 131) | ph  +61 7 3367 0847 | fax +61 7 3009 0431

* Dependable IT Solutions *
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