newbie help needed

karebai karebai at
Mon Jun 11 23:00:47 BST 2007

On 6/11/07, karebai <karebai at> wrote:
> You read correcting Andre, frustration. We decided on Feisty Fawn so ver
> 7.04. We wanted to try linux, so purchased a disc from ubuntu au site ...
> had error messages about the i/o on fd0 ... searched for answers, nothing
> seemed to work ....
> subscribed to this list ... sent in about 4-5 emails ... nothing came
> through (presumed it must be my email address so resubscribed using gmail )
> ... yay ... I finally got through ...
> As we didn't want to upset our main machines, we chose to install on spare
> laptop
> Dell C600 20 gig h/d PIII 128 ram 750mhz
> It refused to go past the i/o error ... so took h/d out .. put it in other
> C600 that runs 512 ram, 1 ghz ... it got the i/o error twice ... then it
> installed ... transfered h/d back to test laptop ... OK ... works fine, but
> a little slow (we know and accept that it is slow, after all we are testing
> it out first)
> OK ... resolution bug ... finally solved that by searching forums etc and
> edited xorg.conf file ... horizontal sync and vertical refresh needed to
> be added ...
> Lets try internet and see how that performs ... laptop has a 3com PCI
> modem ... after spending hours searching, we discover its not supported and
> near 1000 others are looking for answers for the 3com ... (other c600 also
> has 3com modem so can't swap that out).
> We found a generic linmodem driver that we are trying to try ... unpacked
> the file ... inside is around 40 files, no install instructions, the read me
> file says nothing ... file is called ... linmodem-0.2.5.gz . Another file
> we found that is supposed to support the 3com 3c59x-2.2.19.c.gz ... this
> says its in "C source code" ... and won't run ...
> We have tried through the terminal ... linmodem one asks for destination
> folder ... we got no idea ... and haven't found anything online that helps
> ... c source one ... we get no where ...
> We have tried to solve problems ourselves, but after reading so many pages
> with so much information we seem to go round and round in circles either
> totally confused (Most seems to be written in techno for those who
> understand linux) or not finding anything at all ...
> frustration abounds !!!! ...
> On a lighter note ... being windows users .... where is the "Connect to
> Internet" button ????   ;)   lol
>  On 6/11/07, Andre Mangan <andremangan at> wrote:
> >
> >
> > On 11/06/07, karebai < karebai at > wrote:
> > >
> > > Hiya,
> > > Hopefully this will get through, nothing else has. We've finally
> > > decided to take the plunge and give linux a try. After having a look what
> > > was around we decided on Ubuntu. Nothing but trouble installing. After
> > > scouring forums, websites, and whatever else we could find that wasn't
> > > written for experts, we managed finally to get it up and running. Now for
> > > internet. Nope, our modem isn't supported. Back to the forums ... great ...
> > > known problem with 3com modems ... us along with near 1000 others ... OK ...
> > > we found a generic modem ... 40 odd files.. and surprise ... no instructions
> > > on how to install ... Can anybody help ... in plain aussie english, cos we
> > > are both reeling from the plethora of information that seems to take us
> > > nowhere ....
> > >
> > > Karen & Paul
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > Welcome to Ubuntu, Karen and Paul,
> >
> > I read frustration in your message but am at a loss to identify your
> > problem other than modem issues.  Could you be more specific please.  Which
> > edition of Ubuntu have you chosen and what is the equipment that it is
> > running on.  What files do you want to install.
> > What, broadly, is your geographical location.
> >
> > There is plenty of help available.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Andre
> >
> > --
> > andremangan at
> > --
> > ubuntu-au mailing list
> > ubuntu-au at
> >
> >
> >
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