java apps have blank screen

Kyran Lange Dr.klange at
Wed Jun 6 15:03:19 BST 2007

Accidentally hit reply instead of reply to list, so sorry for sending
you a separate email linley.

Do you run compiz/beryl by any chance?

There is a bug in some versions of java which results in swing-based
programs not rendering properly while using compiz/beryl.
I think it has been fixed in the latest (beta?) version of java.

I have the same problem running netbeans.

To get around it either turn off compiz/beryl when using the program, or
do as i do and run the program in a nested x-server.

I use Xephyr (you could also use xnest) with the icewm window manager to
do this.

$ sudo apt-get install xserver-xephyr icewm

Then use a script similar to: 

#! /bin/bash
# You could use Xnest instead of Xephyr here
Xephyr :2 -ac -screen 1024x768 &
icewm --display :2 &
export DISPLAY=:2
/path/to/executable &

Make the script executable and launch it.


On Wed, 2007-06-06 at 05:54 -0700, linley caetan wrote:
> I now have 2 java apps jfilesync and frostwire that launch with blank
> windows on a particular account. Other accounts on the same machine
> (feisty 7.04 intel laptop) have no problems.
> I have deleted the relevant .jfs and .frostwire , even .java
> directories with no luck.
> Any ideas?
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