dialup modem issue

peter baker jellyware at gmail.com
Tue Jul 24 12:09:27 BST 2007

for a friend who is having issues getting onto the mailing list.....*

Dialup Modem.*

Trying to set up my dialup modem I found that; Help > dialup >  Dialup
Modems - are not supported by Ubuntu due to the number of different ones out
there, mostly Microsoft oriented.(Ouch!) But help might be obtained this
way, Command line - *wget -c
*  *(um - er - Modem required??)
OK. How to get around this? Take a copy of the URL and type it into Internet
Explorer - down load the file and save it to disk. Done!
Back in Ubuntu. Open flp0. Theres the file - gunzip it and save it - done! I
manage to open all 211kb of it into a readable file (sort of!) At least I
can see it and recognise source code (just!)
I must go back to the command line and load the file as an .exe so that the
program can scan my modem and report - - - -

This is where I get stuck! I have no expertise with the command line so I
don't know which command will do what I need - and so the man pages are no
help to me.
Instructions Please?


Mike H
mike.harold at bigpond.com

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