Telstra next generation phone

Dave Hall ubuntu at
Thu Jul 19 01:41:57 BST 2007

On Thu, 2007-07-19 at 00:43 +0930, squareyes wrote:
> Hi all,
> have just acquired a next generation Telstra phone, which is (according 
> to manual able to connect via usb and bluetooth.
> Sadly in this area CDMA and Next generation are the only mobiles that 
> can get a signal. Would like to be able to
> download any pictures I may take with the phone, although there will be 
> very few.
> The phone  LG TU 500 , I have had suggested a bluetooth dongle, 
> (supposedly plug and play), does anyone know if
> either usb ( which comes with Win software) or the bluetooth dongle is 
> likely to work, before I lash out with the
> funds for the usb cable ($45) or the dongle?

I use bt with my Nokia 6280 and SE v600i for transfering pics and stuff
to/from the handsets.  Works a treat on feisty.

sudo apt-get install gnome-vfs-obexftp bluez-pin

Then in nautilus simply type "obex:///" into the location bar (without
the quotes of course).  konq on kubuntu has similar support but I have
never tried it so I can't tell you what options to use.

Most bt dongles should work with linux (and ubuntu). 



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